Thursday, May 15, 2014

One Hot Mess, Vol. 3

How hot messy is the family photo? It is THE worst.

I think I had convinced myself that Mother's Day guaranteed some sort of lovely family photo magic wonderment. 

(smuggest emoji here) (dejected emoji here)

It's as if suddenly everyone's MO is do the weirdest thing. Lift up shirt, shut eyes, stare elsewhere, start dancing, start talking, ask weird questions, start crying, start doing things that will make Mom un-pose to yell at us. Guarantee zero frameables.





Oh, wait. Can we get a little communal re-scroll? Because, Kirby.

Look at him. He is a monument! Total focus and commitment. Reigning King of the family pic. I can't even wrap my mind around it. Maybe he can offer us a master class?

Somebody make a meme out of this. 

Alright, alright... Whatcha got?? Something good, I'm sure.

If you happened to participate in a legendary elevator brawl last week, we voted... YOU WIN!


  1. I love it! I think that you should get a frame with space for 4-6 pictures and just place all your takes in it and title it "one hot mess." LOL, I. just. love. it!

  2. And I thought taking pictures with 3 kids after our Easter service was epic. You totally got us beat : )

  3. YES. My husband has the same charism :)

  4. Also, I am totally linking up next week. My whole life is a hot mess. Easy. ;)

  5. I almost died crying while flipping through a second time and watching your husband's face. Classic!

  6. These are hilarious! And very sweet.

  7. I'm new to this! Catholic mommy of one crazy little 15 month old boy. How do you link up?

  8. Those are great photos. I especially like the first one where one of the girls is looking down at a flower. Nobody has their eyes closed, nobody is crying inconsolably, nobody's clothes are on inside out or backwards. Frame-worthy if you ask me!

  9. Christina- you click on the little "add link" tab at the bottom of the post and it'll walk you through it! It looks like the link is broken, though. I'm working on fixing it!

  10. I was cracking up about your husband's monument-abilities even before I saw your comments about it! Hilarious!

  11. Even before you said anything Kirby was who I was looking at. I was like, "Wow, look at him go!"

  12. Free Jinger has discovered you. they are talking about your privilege & lack of insight into that privilege

    1. Wow! They said I was gifted a house for a wedding present? Amazing. Where is this gifted house and how do I get my hands on it!?!

  13. Blythe what are you talking about?? I love it! The first one particularly, but they're all pretty awesome in their own ways. And yes I totally noticed Kirby too. Solid. But thinking that first pic isn't frame-able? Cray-zay.
