Friday, May 2, 2014

Seven Quick Takes and a disease

1. I emptied out our closet last night so that we could replace our shelving and now I have a big gaping hole in our room that has nothing in it. And I just cannnnnnt stop thinking about what else it could be instead if a closet full of clothes (the boringist). Maybe I could shove our bed in there and turn it into a cozy nook with good lighting a little bookshelf? Maybe I could fit the mini crib and a little armchair in it? Maybe I could put our desk in it and free up some space in our room? Maybe I can knock down the wall on the left, connecting it to the laundry room bathroom on the other side of the wall and then renovate the bathroom and add a tub? And pop a door in our bedroom wall so that we can access it? Kirby? Hmm? These are, of course, all dillusional fantasies bc an empty closet means our clothes and shoes are piled up on our bed/dresser/desk/floor and that's exactly where they'd stay if I executed any of the aforementioned plans. But still, staring at an empty space is so nice. There are zero empty spaces in my life. Zero.

Don't you just want to stand in there and close the closet doors curtains?

2. Let me tell you, hand foot & mouth disease is super fun. Try it!

3. I know all you everywhere in the freezing cold will not like this so just skip to number 4.

...........skip skip skip...........

It's so hot here. So hot. Today's high is 100 which would be fine and expected were it August but it's May. We don't have ac which is fine and I'm not complaining.... a lot, I'm not complaining a lot. It's mostly awful because 100 degrees plus general irritability, fevers and being too contagious for the public, air-conditioned domain is just doubly sad for all involved. Including....nay.....ESPECIALLY Big Binks.

... who melted in the kitchen in the shade. (RIP)

4. This link-up is turning out to be fun + awesome. I'm SO glad you're actually doing it! I'm genuinely looking forward to our next catastrophe (and your next catastrophe, for that matter). I think it's safe to say those are completely original feelings. It's not often you have an original feeling!

5. Kirby is in this weird habit of following me around at night while I'm sweeping. He stands soclose to me and I have to ask him to move about 3,000 times so that I can sweep directly where he is standing. He holds his phone out and plays music and sings (or raps, depending) out loud and e v e r y t i m e I make eye contact with him (without one single pause in the dance/sing/rap), he wiggles his eyebrows as if what he is doing is the greatest thing ever anyone could do while their wife is sweeping, ever. And it kind of is being that I'm def. skipping a portion of purgatory for participating in it on the nightly. But I'm also probably not bc I kinda love it.

6. I found and took an old p test last night because it was exactly 28 days since my last (first) p (neg, neg, neg). And it hit me- am I really still doing this?? Wasting money on pregnancy tests over and over and over because just because? After five babies you'd think I would be the lady that just actually waits until she is late or something. But I'm not that lady. I'm not.

7. Speaking of babies, I was looking at Peter the other night and it struck me that babies look much older than they are. I mean, when a baby looks at you and smiles, don't they seem old? Don't they seem super intelligent and wise? It's so strange to me that he will turn into a one year old who crawls around eating dirt. I consider this a serious regression!

Anyway, I realize these are pretty worthless, but, we are in the middle of a disease over here. What do you expect???

***Bonus: 8. I just gave Clemmy a bottle of half & half for naps because no milk. What do you expect??

Head on over to Jen's for some better quick takes. And the book! The book!


  1. #5 made me smile.

    Have a great weekend and I hope the hand, foot and mouth yuck goes away soon!

  2. I totally feel your pain with no. 1 - living in a tiny apartment in NYC...there is no empty space here either. I dream of the day when we might have some! More importantly - I hope everyone feels better soon!

  3. I mean, those pregnancy test strips are so cheap on Amazon, and I ALWAYS end up pregnant before I go through the whole box, so it's reasonable to take too many, right? Right. Of course right. :P

  4. It's not uncommon around here to find random pregnancy tests in the trash...I can't help myself! Glad I'm not the only one!

  5. Hand. Foot. Mouth = Thumbs Down… Hope everyone is on the mend!

  6. #5 is funny and cute.

    I hope you've wised up to the cheap Amazon or even cheaper Ebay pg tests. I take them all the time, too. And I also keep wondering why after 5 babies in 5 years I don't just throw up my hands and say whatever, but I haven't yet.

  7. I've done the bed-in-a-closet thing, and your instincts are correct: it rocks! It's so cozy and...sort of like a treehouse, if you know what I mean?? Oh, how I miss that old room. Yeh, the clothing outside of the closet is kiiind of an issue, but then again, your room is now a treehouse.
    And ditto on babies looking wise.

  8. Sorry about #3. If I had money I would buy you an a/c unit because I HATE being hot. So much! I'd hug you with compassion but we'd both be so sweaty gross hot that I wouldn't want to be touched at all. Sorry..

    #5 sounds AWESOME!

    And *because* I have 5 kids I am ALWAYS peeing on those sticks. Seriously.

  9. I am so sad for your bunny and my Clemmy!

    I have to not keep pregnancy tests in the house. The inconvience of going to the store is what keeps me from taking them constantly.

    1. I do that two but then I buy the two or three pack for savings reasons and then I always have one or two lying around... It's such a trap!

  10. Each time I've wanted/needed to take a pregnancy test, my husband responds, "Why waste the money? We'll find out eventually right?" Yeah, he's a funny one and he's mine.

  11. I always buy my p tests in bulk. It's a lot easier to feel 100% OK about over testing when each one only costs $.19.

    Just sayin.

    And enablin.

  12. i love this. you're so amazing, mama b!

  13. Are men even allowed to participate on this blog?

    1. Yes, this blog does not discriminate. Unless you are Nate or Todd.

  14. so, #1. Can I make some suggestions? Is that obnoxious? That closet WOULD make an awesome mini nursery! Do you have a spare wall in your bedroom? We are putting the Pax wardrobes from Ikea (white bergsbo doors) all over the house we are renovating in lieu of traditional closets (we have them set into the walls in the kids rooms, but not in the master), and they are amazing. You can configure them with pull out wire basket drawers, shoe racks, rods, whatever....Just a thought. While you're there you could get some of those $4 spice racks that everyone on pinterest is always turning into outward facing bookracks and put them next to your little armchair...and of course string white christmas lights around the ceiling for perfect cozy lighting....and I'll stop now!
    I apologize for overstepping here, but I am genetically predisposed to handing out unsolicited advice and I am knee deep in renovations pretty much all the time (husband and are design/builders , well mostly him but I chime in with unhelpful suggestions periodically). Also have an issue with run on sentences...and pregnancy tests. I bought a bunch at the dollar store the other day because it is going out of business and they were on sale. Nevermind that I'm currently in that infertile between babies state...still took one! --Anne

  15. Yuck, my girls had hand foot and mouth a couple years ago and it was the worst!! I am so sorry!

    I can't wait to join your link up when the next bomb goes off here, it is such a great idea.

  16. Okay, so I watched one of your videos and it said you converted to Catholicism eight years ago from being protestant.

    (I'm just going to spit this out because I've already deleted two paragraphs. Ha!)

    Since I was a child I have asked to go to a Catholic church. My Dad, the Southern Baptist, said a big NO. As a young adult I felt to intimidated to pursue it on my own. Fast forward and now I'm 32 and have been feeling the calling for some time. I've been discussing it for a year with the hubs and while he is supportive and all, I still feel intimidated to go any further with it for various reasons. But like you said in a post, you like the traditional ways of the church, which is one of the things that has always drawn me in, too.

    Any advice on how to move forward so I can make the decision that is right for me (us!)?

  17. Your kitchen is filthy. All that mildew in your sink and grout. I feel sticky just looking at the photos.

    1. Heyyyyy anonymous. Thanks for the comment. You're right! I hope someone fixs that soon. Hope you have a better day!

  18. From a cold weather state, we forgive you for number 3! 100 is TOO HOT for May!! Especially when you have little sick baby on your hands!

    #6 is my favorite, because every 29 days I'm like better take a test, just to be sure! My poor husband doesn't even blink an eye when I ask him to grab one at the store!

    Also, if you could send that sink cleaning someone my way, I could use it! Mine is a mess too! ;)

  19. Hi! Just found your blog and I'm enjoying reading. I saw your SoulPancake video and loved it!! I'm a revert (2 years ago) and my husband is a convert. We are both totally on fire for the faith but we can't find local Catholic families like us now that our world has been turned upside down, having discovered the fullness of faith. Until this happened, we didn't have any Catholic friends so we wanted to change that. I love my new Catholic friends, don't get me wrong. It's just that I feel like I have to hide from them that I give birth at home, my husband encapsulates my placenta for me and we grow our own food. I can't find one single other Catholic homeschooling mom here. Not one! Your video looked like some kind of Catholic paradise, ha! Any who, glad I found your blog :).

  20. Blythe! Yes I can email you! What is your email address? Or you can email me at :)

    I realllly look forward to your thoughts concerning my question. Thank you so much!
