Friday, July 17, 2015

There are just 7 quick things I have to tell you rn

Goodness there is always time to squish in a couple (7) takes, huh? In no particular order...

1. Yesterday I decided that I was ready enough for my inaugural postpartum workout. I was 20 minutes in and cursing the fates because I had spent about 4 min halfass crunching and about 16 min being buried under the weight of my various children. I had recently ventured to Target and picked up a few "tummy tucking" nursing tanks and so I was wearing one. A white one. With flab spilling in various directions and nursing pads fully glorified in big, obvious circles on my chest. I had just sprawled out on the rug about 3 feet from my front door (why do I make these choices??) to do some halfass leg lifts when KNOCK KNOCK and peering over my shoulder I see two Mormon missionaries staring down at me through the screen door. So, obviously all I could do is ask them to hold on and scuttle to my room to put on a shirt. And then drown in my shame. (WHICH I DID) (Why they didn't have the decency to quietly turn away upon seeing me leg lifting on the floor I'll never know...)

2. Joe was baptized a few weeks ago and it was so beautiful (always!) Our dear friend/confessor Fr Paul Donlan baptized him in a private little baptistry where we could be "as loud as we wanted," he said. OK, Padre, will do. Peter went into a full on tailspin over not being able climb up inside the baptismal font and swim around and yelled the e n t i r e length of the baptism because of it. Father Paul suggested that he direct the prayers of exorcism towards Peter and finally Kirby had to take one for the team and stand outside of the glass doors wrangling the demoniac while we went on with the baptism. Anyway, it was still perfect and here are a bunch of cute pictures to prove it.

 (father + godfather = not twins)

 (godmother + mother = not twins)

 (All kids together for a pic = biggest lol)

3. If you've been missing pics of Joe it's because he has the worst case of baby zits I've ever witnessed. It's embarrassing, frankly. (JkjkJK)! I slathered some coconut oil on him once and I also bathed him ONCE (since his first hospital bath. Perhaps this is the problem??) Do you guys have any other tips? Should I just not care and move on cause I kinda 75% am.

4. Since we are on the topic of slathering and hygiene, let me share an epiphany I had today. I follow a few essential oil enthusiasts on IG and I'm always so impressed by their commitment and slathering practices. So often they talk about their oil regiments and what they apply to their kids every morning and every night and I'm just flabbergasted by this. I mean, I'm sure it does amazing things and that's why all the committed oil applying but I sort of feel like my kids are basically on their own when it comes to health and wellness. Let's take teeth brushing, for example. I think I walk into the bathroom about every three days and find a few sticky toothpaste tubes and about 15 toothbrushes and I stuff them all back into the cabinet and just sort of cross my fingers that they are *actually* brushing their teeth. I honestly have no idea. How could I slather oils on the bi-daily when I can't even tell you whether or not my kids are brushing their teeth or just sucking on the end of a toothpaste tube or neither? Is it my serious lack of parenting skills to blame or am I normal? (Plz refrain from answering that).

5. I know this is being covered by virtually everyone but if you care anything for the Bach franchise this is where it is all the way at.

6. Bosco. I feel a particular affection for this baby since his mother endured QUITE the text inundation from me during my whole pregnancy and labor and hospital stay. And then he came just 3 days later! It is really special to spend a whole pregnancy alongside a friend and end up having babies within days of each other. The other day I was recalling this to Kirby and I said "They (he and Joe) are basically twins!!" and he said, "No, no. Actually they are not even close to being twins" (based on the fact that they don't even share a mother, etc.) but I still feel like well, basically!

7. I am sorta following Jenna's model by devoting numero siete to GRAN HOTEL ARE YOU WATCHING STOP READING START WATCHING DIRECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!11 This show is such a part of me now I find myself dreaming in Spanish. **All the th's** Plus, it's subtitled so it counts as reading not watching. Zing!

*Bonus pic of baby "nursing my mouth" as Clem says. O__o


  1. Gran Hotel, YES. Totally counts as reading and I'm picking up on some Spanish (not). My babe just went through the acne phase from 3 weeks to 6 weeks. It was SO bad but now she looks like her newborn perfect skinned self at 7 weeks and I did absolutely nothing but just let it run it's course.

    1. Ok good!! I'm def on that do nothing train then. And Gran Hotel forever!!

  2. Brushing my toddlers' teeth is definitely up there on the very short list of things I hate about being a mom. And, yes, mine are mostly on their own too. I might fight Griffy every 3 was just to make sure they've been properly cleaned.
    Loved the post. Baby Joe is the cutest! Baby zits and all. :)

    1. Aw you are too kind and sweet. And I hear ya on the fighting for clean teeth thing. I've done that a few times with Clem when I start getting really freaked out about all the cavity possibilities...

  3. Could Hero BE more beautiful? Wills got a v v stubborn case of nose zits (that my siblings keep threatening to pop) but whatevs, I filter that s and over gram like a crazy.
    Teeth brushing? Let's pretend I'm appalled by your methods and can't relate at all.....

  4. We're also pretty bad at the teeth brushing thing. It's just like....who has time for that at bedtime o'clock, y'know?!

  5. What a beautiful baptism! I love the pics of all the kids together!
    Also - ALL THE 'TH'S for reals! I'm completely addicted to Gran Hotel. Like an whole evening will go by and I'll look up and I've watched five big deal...

    1. I know. Was up till 1:30 last night!!! I can't go on this way...

  6. I just LOLed the whole way through this. Even though I'm trying to get Rosie to sleep fortheloveofPete but I do not even care because you are hilare. Miss you. Bring your baby and all your chillins to me. Shall we meet at Kendra's? I think we shall.

  7. New to your blog and love it in all its candidness! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For baby acne we used a combo of lavender oil and coconut oil and it cleared in a few nights. Took a break from that treatment, the babacne returned, and without these oils on hand we tried olive oil. This worked wonders overnight. Good luck!

  8. Thank you so much for the link up! You're the coolest!

  9. Love this post. You always make me laugh Blythe!

  10. I just love your parenting perspective. I have 4 littles and I can.not. make myself brush sit there and brush/make sure they are brushing their teeth. Thank you for saying it!!!! And everything else too.

  11. My now 4-month old had what I thought were "baby zits" around 2 months also! Our doctor diagnosed it as impetigo - which clears up quickly with a prescribed cream! Apparently if they were actual baby zits (which is what I called them to the doctor) there would be lots of concern that the baby might have unfortunate hormonal imbalances that might actually be concerning. All things I didn't know!

  12. I feel like you have an excuse for the lack of tooth-brushing what will all the kids and such. But me? I only have two so it's probably just sheer laziness.

  13. My 5 kids' teeth. Not on my radar until the morning of their routine 6 month cleanings, and them I pray and thank God for baby teeth that fall out -- and of course I beg for cavity mercies.
