Thursday, December 10, 2015

5 days of giveaways: Young Living Essential Oils


Do not start with the YL vs DoTerra vs whatever. All I know is a sweet e-friend named Ashley reached out to me and sent me some oils and I love them.

(How cute is Ashley?)

Thieves got us through the barf plague of Spring 2015 and the kids and I instantly feel relief anytime I open the bottle around here. And after I had Joe I experienced some weird, hormonal post-partum symptoms like hot-flashes and fevers and Ashley to the rescue, again! She suggested Valor II and SclarEssence and they really made a difference. Really.

And, I mean, who doesn't like smelling like a hippy all the time? That alone is enough to make me feel at least a little better.

Anyway, back to awesome Ashley. She's put together a little bag of goodies just for you. She chose a combo of a Stress-Away roll on, a double-sided lip gloss with a winter oil blend on one side and gloss on the other (that sounds so nice...) AND Thieves hand-purifier. Isn't that such a good mix?? It's kinda the perfect "things to keep in my purse at all times" kit. Genius!

check ^ it ^ out ^ (I don't know how to make graphics so this is all you're getting).

Come and get it, my people! And THANK YOU, Ashley!! xoxo

ps make sure to check out her website for awesome info and incentives!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I just went over to a friends house today and she's a massage therapist and has ally kinds of oils and it just makes her home such a peaceful place to be. I left thinking about how to make my life better through aromatherapy!

    1. If you ever have questions feel free to email me, I'd love to help! xo ashley

  2. My fav is thieves and I use it to kill all the germs!

  3. My fav is thieves and I use it to kill all the germs!

  4. Oh it's lavender to de-stress! This is awesome.

  5. I love all the citrus scents - grapefruit is probably a top pick!

  6. I have yet to jump into the oils bandwagon, more due to the immense confusion I find myself in whenever I attempt to search for "essential oils that help with x". Please help me out of this confusion!

    1. Oh my goodness! Girl I would so love to help you! I have some great info I can send your way. Email me!

  7. I've also never tried essential oils! But so many people love them, it feels like it's time!

    1. If you are wanting me to send you any info, I would love to help! xo ashley

  8. I have been wanting to try oils but I still haven't! This sound great.

    1. If I can help you in any way let me know! xo ashley

  9. Thieves is my fave scent on the planet. (Heart eyes.)

  10. I would love to try a balance blend for myself! But mostly I'd love to try a nighttime blend my my little ones :). I've very very slowly been entering the world of oils and it's amazing!! Thanks for the chance :).

  11. Thieves has gotten my through several strep throats, and the lozenges are amazing! Peace and calming also helps a ton with my restless legs, esp during pregnancy!

  12. Thieves, and I use it for everything. Lately grapefruit has been my go to mood booster. ❤️ Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. I have never used essential oils but have been wanting to try. I have a few kids with asthma and my little guy has some digestive issues. It would be great to see what they could do to help!

    1. I would love to get you some information! So so many testimonies for little ones who battle respitory issues. Email me friend, I will put some things in the mail for you. xo ashley

  14. Love Lavender. But also use Thieves!

  15. Lavender is the only one I currently use (nothing is better to help get to sleep) but would love to try more!

  16. I am wanting to start using panaway for some back problems.

  17. Thieves to kill. All. The. Germs.


  18. I've never used essential oils but I would love to start.

    1. I would love to get you some information!

  19. I use essential oils sparingly but would love to use them more often and learn more!

    1. I would so love to help friend! xo ashley

  20. Peppermint oil saved me from many a morning sickness moment lately, but lavender is still #1 in my heart. I'd love to try Thieves, though.

  21. Peppermint for morning sickness!

  22. I love valor, and I'd like to try the thieves hand sanitizer!

  23. Purification sounds delightful!!

  24. I had a lavender cheap-o I used in college to get rid of headaches and it worked like a miracle. But I don't have any other experience with EOs so...lavender! :)

  25. Thieves is by far my favorite to have around during cold and flu season!

  26. I'm hoping to avoid giving birth in the midst of a family stomach bug epidemic, which I know you're familiar with, and which also happened to my sister. This is my first winter baby (#4, due in February) and I am terrified of all the germs! I need me some Thieves.

    1. Email me friend! I would love to get a little sample bottle mailed out to you. xo ashley

  27. Essential oil virgin up in here!

  28. I like thieves for fighting sickness and a combo of peppermint, lavender, and lemon for allergy relief.

  29. I am a huge fan of Young Living and am wanting to stock up on so many of these goodies!

  30. I've only used tea tree to make baby wipes, but I just bought a diffuser and some lavender and peppermint (I think!).

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I've always been insanely curious about the whole essential oils game. I'd love to try the stress away. Thanks!

    1. I would love to get some helpful info sent your way!

  33. I just bit the bullet and bought the starter kit through Haley. I've been diffusing Thieves like a maniac cause we have a combo of stomach bug/cough/ear ache going on here. Fun times! I've also used lemon and lavender along with some ear drops for the ear aches and those effects have been insanely good.

    I think if money weren't a factor I would buy every last Thieves product on the market.

  34. I am trying to convince my husband that EO's could play a role in our family's future, but I'm afraid he won't believe me until he tries some for himself! This would be a great starter kit.

    1. My husband is as obsessed as I am. If you want some info on "man friendly oils" yo can email me. I would be so happy to help. xo ashley

  35. I like the yummy smelling ones, like vanilla, since I can't do synthetic scents!

  36. My favorite oil is frankincense, but I love peppermint for that early afternoon slump when I need a little pick me up!

  37. I've never used oils but I am really interested in thieves to fight disease! Also the de-stress one- I'm generally a low stress person but then have a harder time handling stress when it hits (and I'm about to have a baby!)

    1. I have some great thieves info I would love to send your way! ( And a helpful babies & oils article) You can email me.

  38. I am loving Copaiba - gentle enough to put right on teething babes gums and strong enough to help mama with her aches too. My little one opens her mouth right up when she sees me reach for the bottle, even if I was going to put it somewhere else on her body.

  39. Sandalwood is my favorite smell, but I actually USE eucalyptus most often in our humidifier

  40. We love lavender and eucalyptus, but been wanting to try thieves!

  41. The only thing that helps my son when he gets bitten by mosquitoes (they turn into welts) is lavender + coconut oil. It's magical! Would love to get more into oils. We're pretty one foot in one foot out only because of the costs. 😏

  42. I love sniffing lavender when I can't go to sleep. And rubbing it on my face when I Have a tension headache.

  43. I am just now getting into essential oils. I don't know if this counts as an essential oil, but I have been wowed by Oil of Oregano. My mom introduced it to me recently when I had a major cold, and I like to believe that it helped! I also love lavender and use it in a lotion made of coconut oil and shea butter for my daughter.

  44. Love me some EOs! That hand sanitizer sounds awesome1

  45. My Favorite is YL Thieves oil. I like to diffuse it and make my home smell like Christmas and I dilute it with a carrier oil and rub it on the bottom of my babes feet for added immunity during cold season!

  46. I love lavender EO but I would love to try Thieves!

  47. I love so many, but next up is trying to make my own body butter/cream using frankincense and myrrh.

  48. A friend has an orange essential oil that seems to bring sunshine with it.

  49. Love me some EO's. My favorite is a tie between teatree and lavender. They both have so many uses.


  50. So far I've just used lavender in the bath and eucalyptus in homemade cleaning products but would love to learn more about using essential oils!

  51. I recently purchased the starter kit and I'd love to expand my collection with stress away or eucalyptus.

  52. I've never actually tried an essential oil for myself, although I would love to. :)

  53. Stress away and thieves are the two that I've been wanting to try most!

  54. I've never used oils before due to insufficient funds. They intrigue me though and I would love to try anything that gets rid of colds quickly!

    1. I would love to send some info your way! You can email me at

  55. I have been wanting to get into essential oils and these look like great starters!

  56. I've been using a respiratory mixture to help my kids through whooping cough. I love them!! Would love to try some new stuff.

  57. I really want to win this, frankincense is my favorite oil, usually I just smell it right in out of the bottle.

  58. I have recently become interested in eos but don't really know what I'm doing yet and therefore haven't noticed them working? But I like the smell anyway

    1. I would LOVE to help you! Email me friend

  59. I have not used oils before, but have heard great things about them!

    1. I have some info I can send your way to help point you in the right direction.

  60. Would Love to try this bag of goodies. Have never tried EOs before but I am open to giving it a whirl! :-) Thank you for the opportunity!

  61. I'm really intrigued by essential oils. Would love to get this!

  62. I use patchoulli oil as my perfume. No really. I do.

  63. I've really been wanting to try thieves!

  64. I have not used essential oils yet, but would love to try! I would love to try one that increases focus as I work from home.

  65. I can't saw I have a favorite with what little EO experience I have, but we keep peppermint on hand for adding to my homemade toothpaste and tea tree is usually on hand too. I'd love to try thieves though, and I'm sure lavender is LOVELY.

  66. I've been diffusing a blend of clove, cinnamon and Tangerine. It makes the house smell lovely. Just like Christmas! :-)

  67. Gentle Baby is my favorite. I use a drop over my heart :)


  68. I really like lavender, but would love some Thieves!

  69. My favorite is a combo of Wild Orange and Lavender! I hate lavender by itself, but the combination is just so invigorating.

  70. I haven't tried very many, but I really like diffusing citrus oils.

  71. My friend just made me a mix of lavender and chamomile for sleep.

  72. I'm a big fan of citrus and pine scents.

  73. I love YL's Peace and Calming blend . . . oh, and Valor. Its hard to choose a favorite!

  74. I love stress relief oils and relaxing sleep-aiding oils. I would definitely use both of those types around my house or on my body.

  75. I don't have a favorite oil, I've never used them before!! But I would love to start, especially for stress relief/better sleep

  76. Oils to help with the pukeys? I'll take 70

  77. I'd like to try some for headaches!

  78. I've never tried oils so I don't have a favorite!

  79. just started with Thieves, can't wait to experiment more!!

  80. Thieves. When the sniffles start I use it cleaning and for breathing in!

  81. We love the Young Living Breathe Again roll-on, and we use it anytime we get slightly sniffily before bed. Way better than Vicks!

  82. i've never used essential oils before but i attended an online Young Living intro class last month and got to know about the oils that come in the starter pack! from them i'd say i'm most interested in the lemon oil! i love making homemade cleaning products and would love adding the lemon oil to them :)

  83. We use On Guard (which I think is like Thieves?) alllll the time around here. Love it.

  84. I love the Balance Blend and rub some on the bottom of my feet and wrist every night as I get into bed. I haven't been using oils for very long and only have a few but I love them. I've heard so much about Thieves and would love to try that. Thank you for giving us the chance to win. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  85. No favorite yet, but would love to try!!

  86. Never used them, but I would want my house to smell nice and make me calm!

  87. My favorite are lavender and peppermint! My aromatherapy!

  88. I am pretty new to essential oils. Ive used a few but my fav is eucalyptus for the sickies with my kids.

  89. I would love to try some to help boost my immune system during flu season.

  90. Love this!! I'm using some do terra and some Améo but have always wanted to try young living. I'd give that thieves "sanitizer" a try, and and stock up on vetiver!!

  91. Who can't use some aroma and therapy?

  92. From view, I think dr. wakina via deserves an award for saving lives, relationships, marriages, carriers and more. I benefited from his spell, my lifestyle changed and I now live like a Queen.
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  93. Spots and acne troubles can benefit from using tea tree oil that has been diluted in water. The best way to clear up the break outs are to dab the diluted tea tree directly onto the affected area. This she cause it to dry up within a couple of days, and stop it from reoccurring. This is more effective than squeezing which can spread the spot, and cause scarring.acen health

  94. We all love nature right? i usually use lavender oil diffuser for my house. it's really good for my health

  95. Natural unique blog you have written .Thanks for sharing it with us.We are waiting for more crystal article from you in future.

  96. Thanks for sharing the info!I love essential oil!

  97. They contain natural nutrients and vitamins that can be used in recipes to treat skin conditions, promote healthy hair, freshen a stale room in your home and so much more. Every essential oil has its own unique properties and uses and here we'll go into an overview of some of the more popular oils. Buy here
