Friday, February 15, 2008

brad, the blog king

i am off to a running start.

thanks to my great friend brad and my new blog friend brenna i can now do links. thanks so much, you guys, for your advice on linkin'. brad sent me this an awesome email telling me how to do everything. he even made my right-hand-side friends blog section for me (which would explain why he is the only friend in said section). i plan to work on that part soon and pack it with friends.

for now i will just marvel at the act that hero claps at maury.

and so you all know, tommorrow my hunky husband turns 25!!

happy birthday, babe. now you are as old as me for another 10 months.
and for your special day, i have written this for you... along with the ham and cheese omelette and french toast you will get tommorrow for your birthday breakfast.

ode to kirby
by blythe fike

twenty five years, we've laughed and shed tears
you made me your bride and i have stood by your side
through sickness and health, poverty and wealth
ive been pregnant most the time, but, to you, thats all right
because a big round body is sometimes better than being scrawny.

i just made that up on the spot, so i hope you like it.

anyway, i love you kirby!! so does everyone else. your the BOMB, you sexy boy.