Friday, January 30, 2009


on tuesday, my baby girl turned two. i am totally amazed at how completely true all the parenting cliche's are. particularly the ones about time going by so fast. two years ago, i was pretty much the same, at least physically. two years ago she was brand new. she was breathing oxygen for the first time. her head was squished and swollen. she had just met the people she would spend the rest of her life calling her family. we spent the day recovering together and discovering each other. and then i watched her begin to grow... and grow... and grow. and now, such a short time later, she is a walking, talking, icing licking, hilarious, wonderful two year old. in the time since she came into our universe, we have seen our family grow into four... and we have felt that huge love expand and expand. and now we are here... watching her sparkely eyed and beautiful. my hero.


  1. that's the kiki...great pics pooter...xo mom

  2. Happy Birthday Baby! Sweet pics. She looks adorable. Hope we see you soon!

  3. cute. i love that cake. yum. hero is getting so big.
