Sunday, April 27, 2014

Mush mushy gush gush (Thank You)

If you're about ready to die if you hear another mention of YouTube or Soul Pancake or interviews, then check back in a few days and read the post directly above this one and just forget this even exists or that I'm writing it because enough already, right? Enough!!

I totally get it...

But actually not totally because I just have one more teensy thing to say. (And it's important so I'm going to say it- to you.)

Thank you.
Thank you for the comments and the emails and the conversations and all the love. Thank you. Like, thank you in the way that it doesn't even seem good enough to just say thank you. Thank you.

After we filmed that episode I spent many anxious moments wondering if it would represent the Church well. What I didn't think about was whether or not it represent us well. You. Me. All of us actually living this life. Actually having the babies and washing the dishes and wiping the bums and getting their skirts lifted up by small children in mass and loving our husbands and trying to be better in a million ways and breathing, thinking, feeling and living this life.

In the emails you sent and in the comments you left (I read and appreciated them ALL), you reminded me that I was repping you. And if I repped just one of you well, then (really) that's all I could hope for out of this. Because we are in this life together. All of us. Pulling and pushing each other along. Hair tied up in knots and reheated coffee we don't find 'til the next day. These windows into each other's worlds are special because they are little reflections of a life we already know. And they are reminders that this life is good, and that we aren't the only ones living it.

Let's keep our trains rollin. Let's keep being inspired by each other and laughing at ourselves and living this life. I think the world really needs to see it. Let's keep showing them.


  1. Yes, thank you, thank you! You were wonderful in the video, and your kids and friends and chickens were wonderful in the video! Thank you for representing the Church and us with clarity, humor, truth, and joy!

  2. Let's keep being inspired by each other and laughing at ourselves and living this life. I think the world really needs to see it. Let's keep showing them.

    This is so well put and exactly what Jesus and His Church need us to do; to be the love and laughter of His children here on earth.

  3. OK, this prompted me to go to the You Tube video and read the comments (I already watched and LOVED the video) and God bless you for doing this and putting up with the many vicious comments. I know there were nice ones too but my goodness, some people were just so mean! I would not have had thick enough skin for it and I really admire you for doing it. I felt like the video was a fabulous representation of everything: the Church, us mothers, marriage, children, all of it. You're great!

  4. I was waiting for a quiet moment to watch the video but that never happens, so I finally gave up and watched it while being chased around the house by a 3 year old who kept coughing on my iPhone. Worth it. Thank you for making the rest of us look good (and sane!) Especially since, full disclosure, my toddler peed on the rug and my baby pulled a set of fireplace tools onto her head as I wrote this comment. If a camera crew showed up here I would die.

  5. You're welcome. :)
    But thank YOU again for doing it! It's wonderful being represented by someone so great.

  6. "These windows into each other's worlds are special because they are little reflections of a life we already know. And they are reminders that this life is good, and that we aren't the only ones living it."

    Yes! So true! Thank you for showing the world the good life. :)

  7. www.kplifeisbeautiful.comApril 27, 2014 at 10:29 PM

    Just stopping in for a third visit after Camp Patton suggested your blog! I now have a new late night read :)So happy to find such fun uplifting families! Love, love, loved your video! Thank you for representing the church and us moms who are like minded :)

  8. So happy to "meet" you Blythe! I'm a mom of six, and my husband teaches theology at our Catholic high school, and we watched your video, and he's going to show it to his classes and coworkers. We loved it! But I must know who the other mom was who miscounted her kids in the video...does she blog? She was awesome!

    1. Hi Colleen! Thanks for reading!! Her name is Anne-Marie and I wished she blogged!! She doesn't... But she should....

  9. loved the video, already left a gushy comment, but here is another: thank you for showing your happy life with your 5 kids. I always knew I wanted a big family, but was/am feeling stuck and frustrated at 3. Would I lose myself if I had more? Would my love and attention spread too thin? Should I give up on homeschooling because I feel a little overwhelmed at this exact moment? Your blog and that video helped me see things with a fresh eye. You are truly an inspiration. Thank You! Anne

  10. Amen! I think it was totally an accurat depiction of 'us'! I particularly loved your explination of NFP, I always struggle with that one and it was nice to have an explination that wasn't wierd but still got to the core of the matter!

  11. I'm new to your blog because I just learned about you from the awesome video. I already referenced you and your video on my blogs. Glad to virtually meet you! And thank you for the video!

  12. Thank you for being willing to share such a beautiful witness of our faith! I am so happy to have found your blog and love reading it. I am planning to home school this fall so I love these blogs that share how you all make it work. An old childhood friend linked to your interview on facebook. Small world! Blessings to you and your sweet family.

  13. Thank youuuu! for doing that amazing video. I am so grateful to have found your blog! I love it, you are great!
