Monday, March 6, 2017

Formula formula plus a giveaway


Cute? Yes. Formula guzzling with no resistance? No.

And while he may be just, like, normal in that he doesn't like food you make by mixing powder and water together, we (read: I) could really use a solo night or two somewhere/anywhere and so BABY. TAKE A BABA.


The local grocery store offerings have failed so I'm poking around in a new direction. Does anyone have suggestions? This site is helpful re: picking through options, as was this (although "make your own" is like eyeroll city for me) and this. But you all know you're my favorite polling place so... suggestions??

When Joe was a baby I did start off by buying black market German formula off of ebay but I don't think I am committed enough to go that route. We are just talking a bottle or two or thirty every now and again. Is that too much to ask, bb? (Fave mode btw)

Anyway, this is nothing more than a late Monday morning whine but I DO HAVE A GIVEAWAY! Would you like $50 to spend at On everything and anything, formula or not? Me too.

Enter thusly!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh man. If I could just get Cora to take a bottle. My children apparently cannot be fooled out of the experience of a real boob because Kitty was the same way. I would probably honestly buy diapers or maybe a super fancy bottle we haven't tried yet in hopes that might work? hahaha.

  2. I thought I commented but maybe not... I would love to put $$ toward a new stroller :)

  3. Let's be honest, of just buy more diapers ๐Ÿ˜„

  4. My milk supply tanked and I'm supplementing with this. No tummy upsets and it actually tastes good and not like chemicals. I know. Because I tried it. Is that weird?

  5. I would buy toys for my kids' Easter baskets.

    Have you looked into Holle formula? It's another German formula and $$$$, but it's apparently the best.

  6. I would probably buy a baby carrier. Also maybe you could try donor breastmilk if you have a lactating friend who has extra? Not much help sorry, both my babies hated bottles no matter what was in them.

  7. I would use it for Easter baskets!

  8. A friend of mine swears by Goat Milk--apparently they use it a lot in Russia/Ukraine instead of formula.

  9. I would be super original and just use it to buy diapers.

  10. Diapers...or some backup and ever important wubbanubs!

    And for formulas...I've always tried the "supplementing" version of might be a little sweeter to mimic breastmilk? I don't know how it falls nutritionally, but for the now-and-then bottle...

  11. So have you tried mixing your own milk with formula? I had one very resistant baby. I tried to add a little of my own milk ( I can't pump much). But it helped. That being said my formula resistent child also ended up have a lot of sensitivities. Maybe a coincidence? Or maybe related?

  12. We supplemented with raw goats milk... was awesome for our kids! Can be harder to find but I think babies (goat babies) are born this time of year sooooo... good timing :). But what a fun giveaway! We are expecting our fourth in three weeks and I think I'd apply it to a new baby carrier -- I didn't realize I could actually wear things out. Thanks!!

  13. I would buy my Joe another pair of shoes, probably.

    He won't take pumped milk in a bottle?

  14. Hopefully something more fun than diapers, but, probably diapers ๐Ÿ™ƒ

  15. Diapers! I am about to have two in diapers at once, so much needed!

  16. Both my boys hate bottles : / I would put money towards a car seat for my littlest as he is rapidly outgrowing his current one!

  17. I make a super simple goats milk formula! .5 tsp olive oil, .5 tsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp turbinado, 1/8 tsp blackstrap molasses, 1 scoop powdered goats milk. You can add probiotic powder/vitamin drops once a day but not necessary if you're nursing as well.

  18. I would probably use it towards a new carseat. We need to squeeze three carseats into a non-SUV car so I need a new narrow seat!

  19. Baby number two is on the way, so we'd put this to a second car seat!

  20. A gift of choice for mama to be very soon my dear friend, Monica...

  21. Diapers.. or maybe a new toddler car seat.

  22. I have a million baby carriers, but I'm a sucker for them so I'd buy another!

  23. Diapers!!! Always and forever.

  24. I would buy diapers of course! Not so exciting or fun but very very necessary...

  25. I would give it to my sister who is due in May with her first and needs ALLLL the things!

  26. I've utterly failed to get any of my nursing babies to take a bottle. Even a bottle of breast milk failed. I've heard the trick is introducing the bottle between 4-6 weeks sonthey are familiar. But here I am 6 kids in and we have had a night away in 5 years and only then because oldest was adopted so took a bottle.

  27. I'd buy some cloth diapers! Been wanting to switch to those for awhile.

  28. I would buy diapers! LOVE your writing and perspective!!

  29. I've noticed my babies won't take a bottle until they are heartily eating real food. Then I guess anything tastes good, except for some reason our current baby likes Similac Pure Bliss ($$$$) over Baby's Only and store brand organic.

    I'd buy a car seat or said top dollar formula with my won money.

  30. I would put the money toward a new car seat for baby #2 (on the way).

  31. I would stock up on diapers!

  32. Diapers! Can't ever have too many of those in stock!

  33. My little man (August) only took pumped milk from me until he was about 6 months.

    I would definitely get diapers!!! Yay diapers!

  34. Diapers & maybe a cute little outfit for my 17month old, Max.



  35. My second kid didn't take a bottle a SINGLE time her whole baby life. It was rough...good luck!

    Considering I have three kids in diapers right now, yeah. I'd buy diapers. Or underwear, because I really need to stop procrastinating with the potty training. ��

  36. We are in the market for a new car seat - I would love some help towards that!

  37. I also recommend the raw goat's milk. Liquid gold. Good luck finding what works for you!

  38. Take the baba!! We used generic Good Statt as our last was a NICU babe and that's what they prescribed. I didn't dare veer off the bath even though it smelled (and tasted) like cardboard. She's alive and well.

  39. I would buy something for this new baby...anything. Poor thing is coming in June and hasn't had anything bought just for her!

  40. Just had a baby two weeks ago and need diapers plus lots of things I have not thought of!

  41. We are expecting baby #2 in August so I would be thrilled for some diaper money help!

  42. My three kids went from breastmilk to goat's milk (at 7 months, 10 months and 10 months). I just got the goat's milk that's in the grocery store next to the cow milk - I don't think it was 'raw' goat's milk. Much tastier than formula. Also, two of them can't tolerate cow milk, but goat's is fine.

  43. I would buy diapers. I wish there was a cloth diaper service in our area!

  44. I would buy formula. Baby has a diary allergy, and the formula is $$$ :(

  45. Highly recommend either Holle or Hipp formulas (European but very easy to buy online - I get it shipped priority so comes in 2 days). Have used these to supplement my breastfed babies over the years and have always met with success! Feel free to contact me if you want the website I order from.

  46. Diapers for baby Jonny! Size 4!

  47. toys and other fun baby stuff would be my purchases :)

  48. I would buy diapers. Secondly, I want to hear more about how you get your kids to take the occasional bottle. I HATED pumping with my first and would love to not have to pump all the time just for the rare occasion I'm going to be away from the baby so that I have breast milk on hand. (Baby #2 is due next Thursday, btw. Not that I'm counting the days)

  49. i was reading all these comments and thinking, "why is everyone buying diapers? i'd buy WINE!" then i realized it was a gift card to! whoops :)

  50. I would get some See Kai Run sneakers.

    It took me FOREVER to get my kids to take a bottle. I detest pumping but with my daughter I found she would only take a small bottle of fresh from the tap breastmilk. Like still warm. So I would pump like a half oz for that. Once she got used to that after a week , I got formula and she took it. Maybe that could work?

  51. Pacifiers because I feel like I literally lose one every time I turn around and then there are NONE.

  52. My babe is 7 months and will no longer take a bottle. She did several times around two months when we went out for date nights, but no longer.

    Really enjoy your blog! I first found it after listening to your interview on the fountains of carrots podcast.

  53. Oh bottles. They're hard. We started early (3 wks?) and only my husband would give it to her (and I would not be in the room). Then I made sure to pump enough so that he could give her a bottle at least every week. When we went too long, she'd start rejecting it. Around 10 mo, my supply started to dry up so we had to switch to formula full time. I picked Earth's Best Sensitive- I know I chose organic bc I felt guilty (darn all of those loud, judgy voices!) but not sure why I went with sensitive. Either way, she took to the formula well (a little ticked off for a while that she couldn't nurse anymore- you and me both, baby girl) and we were fine. My friend used Enfamil with both of her babes- sensitive for one and the standard infant one for the other. Any formula in the US is held to strict dietary standards, so especially if your babe is just getting it occasionally, whatever they take! Good luck!! Oh and the only other tip I can think of is that some babies like it stirred vs shaken- something about the air bubbles making it too foamy.

    I'm due with No.2 in a few weeks so probably all of the toiletries I've been slacking off on buying- postpartum sitz bath, pads, nursing supplies, etc. :)

  54. Like the website suggests, probably diapers. I'd buy cloth diapers to add a little fun to buying diapers, haha

  55. I would buy either diapers or formula! Thanks for the chance :)

  56. I'd probably put it towards a carseat! Thanks for the giveaway!

  57. Diapers. Always diapers. But maybe also toilet paper.

  58. Diapers. Mayyybe pull - ups? Is that step still done? Or is it now recommended to go from diapers to "big kid" unders, with diapers or pull - ups at night?

    Maybe I'd spend on Chux pads. I clearly don't know what I'm doing.

  59. Re: the bottle.. is it the bottle or the formula he's rejecting? Will he take a bottle w/ breastmilk? Would he take formula from your boob?

  60. Diapers for sure! They kill me even at sam's club prices

  61. With my first baby, I had to kind of trick him into drinking formula. If he was going to drink a 5 oz bottle, I did 4 oz breast milk and 1 oz formula. And then every day or so I would decrease the breastmilk and increase the formula until he was drinking just formula.

  62. I would totally buy diapers! Unfortunately no advice for you about bottles! My first two I was working away from home so they had to get used to third and fourth babies, yeah they NEVER took bottles. EVER! They went from breast feeding to sippy cups! I feel your pain, and exhaustion!

  63. I'd buy diapers and a rubber baby chew toy for my youngest.

  64. Diapers and baby bath stuff!! Or teething stuff! Ugh! The choices!! lol

  65. Diapers, wipes, diaper cream, maybe a little formula.

    For supplementing I like the Baby's Only formula. It took me until my fifth baby to not have guilt about the baby having a little formula here and there.

  66. All the dipes. Budget needs a break. :)

  67. For Vera I used Earths best organic formula (the purple can for sensitivity!) and dr browns bottles with those ridiculous inserts (to help with gas bubbles?!) seemed to be the best for us. But every kid is different ��

  68. There are too many comments to read through so sorry if this was already stated but have you tried mixing pumped milk with formula and then slowly weaning away the pumped milk during each use so it is just formula? It takes work which is mehh, but a night out alone seems worth the extra effort!

  69. I unfortunately have no formula advice.
    I wasn't sure what my answer would be for the $50, but then I saw peoples responses about Easter baskets and that is a great idea. I like to give my kids bandaids, chapstick, tissue, and other funny little things that they use up the day they receive them. So, I would love to do that fo free.

  70. diapers for a baby shower gift

  71. I'd buy diapers for our soon to be born baby #5.

  72. I'd give this to my friend who is a new mom! :)


  73. A new Sophie and a few other small toys... got rid of all the baby stuff. Whoops--need it again.

  74. I'd buy shoes because my 5 kids keep outgrowing theirs. Shocking but true.

  75. diapers! we are prepping for baby 2 and so I'd buy diapers to work on this stockpile.

  76. I would buy a carseat, since ours is expiring soon.

  77. Diapers for our new baby coming in May!

  78. I would put it towards a car seat for baby # 4 coming in May

  79. JENNIFERANNE (Rafflecopter name)
    I think I would get the Star Wars 2 Piece Fleece Set (Kid) or maybe a pair of shoes for my son!
    JenniferAnne74 @

  80. something probably not very practical like a pehr mobile since im sure this babe is going to be so kind and sweet to her mama that she has tortured for 8 months...and just lay in her little nook and stare up at her mobile :) she owes me a break.
    Good luck with the formula - Is it definitely the formula he's not liking and not the bottle? my first would only take a latex nipple! worth a try?

  81. Just commiserating on the bottle. Been there. In the end we succeeded by making bottle very warm, and by my mom being willing to listen to the baby cry and cry until he would take it. Not ideal.

  82. Diapers for my 2 yr old and my 8 month old! (Who are in the exact same size). :o

  83. I have to say diapers, 2 babies in diapers. Or, a new umbrella stroller. Tough call. Thanks for the giveaway.

  84. Most likely I'd buy something boring. . . . like diapers! :)

  85. Weston A Price has a make your own recipe if you do raw milk. I almost made it when my 8.5 month old abruptly stopped nursing. But I was too lazy and just gave her raw I can't vouch! She is a super healthy 4 year old now. :)
