Wednesday, May 10, 2017



I have so much to say. I mean, it's been a time. I don't know why/have no excuses/no answers/per usual. A sampling of the things I've got on my mind are: how much I hate NFP, Tracy Anderson, do I need surgery on my belly button, how much I hate NFP, what are we going to do in Vegas next weekend, etc. Boy, just you wait...

For now, can we just talk about the weird spam I am getting in my comments NON-STOP? A sampling...

Ummm, what? Jelqing?

Seriously, a few weeks back I had like 100 spam comments a single post and I had to go dark and start monitoring comments. Sorry if that annoys anyone but this annoys me more. Also, I realize my battery situation might make most people anxious but this is the reality of my life. #mybestself

What else have we missed? Mary turned 9! Francis starting taking the bottle like a profesh which immediately sent Kirby to and we leave for Las Vegas on Thursday. A few friends were like Vegas? What? and while I admit it is mostly 97% trash we have so much fun there. We just hide in our hotel, and sleep, and eat delicious food, and migrate from pool to restaurant to room to restaurant and it's the best. Plus, Britney Spears may or may not be on my personal agenda. 

Anyway, I will have a drink in all ya'lls honor.

Oh, and Jenny Uebbing is coming over to my house Friday. Sha-wing!


May is a big month in my blogging periphery when it comes to little tiny sick hearts. Please, please keep sweet tiny Regina in your prayers and she will undergo open heart surgery later this month. And pray for Bonnie's daughter Lydia, who goes in tomorrow for open heart bypass surgery. Sylvia and Bonnie- we love you guys!

What's new with you guys? Besides spells that reunited you with your wife? -_- More soon xoxo


  1. Britney Spears AND Backstreet Boys. The only two things that are calling me to Vegas.

  2. If you do not bring me a commemorative Brittany midriff from Vegas I will be vv offended. Can't wait to cheers with you guys.

  3. More jealous that you get to hang out with Jenny than Britney. #fangirl

    Also: how did you get Francis to take a bottle? My daughter is about a month behind him and HATES the bottle more than all of our other torture tactics (sleeping, diaper changing, nail clipping, etc).

    Hating NFP a lot right now too. Ugh.

    1. Honestly I just kept trying! He liked it around 3 months old, then hated it for a while, then hated formula but liked raw milk, then tried again with formula and he's totally fine all of a sudden and actually starts flipping out when I pull a bottle out of the drawer. Who knows!

  4. I mean, if you're looking for some entertainment from your spammers, I think this guy did it right? Lol

  5. Does this mean the end to the voodoo spells?

  6. Two of my fave bloggers under one roof <3 <3

    I hope to read about the visit from both perspectives! God bless you both and your families!

  7. The only thing that stresses me out about your battery situation is that you don't have the setting on to where you can tell how much percentage you have left (Found under Settings>Battery>Battery Percentage. It is absolutely crucial for me to know if I have 6% left compared to 1%!

  8. Two of my favorite bloggers too! Agree with Lyssa that I hope to read about it.

    Also hating NFP right now. I appreciate your honesty, Blythe. It's refreshing to hear I'm not alone. Not that I would ever abandon it, it's just hard because I don't know anyone personally who practices NFP, and most of what I read online feels like people that do are doing juuustt finnnee. Maybe that's why I like you and Jenny so much, because you're both so honest :)

    1. I never understood it when NFP-ers said it makes their marriage stronger. We don't like it either. It seems like we just fight when we practice it. Oh well, maybe its just our cross!

  9. This is not SPAM I repeat this is not spam!! Just looking to see if how yall handle/deal with/lay the smack down on kids sharing rooms. My 19 month old sleeps in our bed & my 4 y.o. sleeps on a sleeping bag on the floor (he broke his foot last year so we let him come in with us, but now it's just terrribly habits). We're wanting them to share a room just not our room any more lol.

    Love your blog!


  10. Woohoo! So happy for a new post! I spent the last several weeks reading back through your archives all the way until you just had two tiny babes. It's so funny to spring back to present day when there are so many more! Haha. Your life is an inspiration! Thanks for writing!
